Published 3 years ago in Other

The Blood.mp3

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This song is expressing the love of Jesus towards man


You rewrite my story with your blood
You nailed my guilt, my sin and shame on the cross
Oh, what selfless love you bestowed upon me
You paid the price for me, with your blood
You said, I am God of all flesh
Is anything too hard for
Jesus, the only son of God, who died
Your blood was meant for you
But you paid it all for me
Your last cry you said
Oh! It is finished
This is my assurance
You said to me
This is your assurance Oh

There's a blood that speak better things for me
There's a blood that speak better things for me
There's a blood that speak better things for me
There's a blood that speak better things for me
The blood of Jesus
The blood of Jesus

Onyebuchi Kalu
We overcame by the blood
By His blood my debt was paid once and for all
By His blood I'm justified
By His blood I'm forgiven
By His blood I'm glorified
I am free from sin
I am free from sickness
I am free from condemnation
I am free from addictions
I am free, I am free
By His blood, I have gained unmerited favour
By His blood, principalities and powers have been disarmed and made a public spectacol triumphing over them in it
By His blood, I am who I am
In His agenda, the blood is my testimony
Give you all the glory
Thank you Jesus

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